Thomas Mallory Evans

Album "Following....." out June 1st!


Du verspotten Gott...du verspotten Seine kinder...Gott wird nicht vergessen...
Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil,
That put darkness for light and light for darkness - Amen.....
Honesty your enemy - your disdain is obvious -
Bent on redefining truth - worthy never, then, of trust -
Conscience you aspire to flee, fomenting deceit headlong,
Boasting moral anarchy - no such thing as right or wrong –
Blaspheme you all noble traits noble hearts ever admired -
Pestilence which waxes great ‘til its victim host expires -
Honesty your enemy - your disdain is obvious -
Bent on redefining truth - worthy only of disgust -
Upside-down - darkness light - evil good in evil’s sight -
Righteousness looks not away - absolute its judgment, still -
History will have its say - wisdom speaks, as wisdom will - Amen.....
Du verspotten Gott...du verspotten Seine kinder...Gott wird nicht vergessen...
Fear will come as desolation, your destruction like a whirlwind -
Misery and anguish will engulf you - Amen.....
Eat that fruit of your own making - be filled with your own devices -
Such is prosperity in the eyes of fools - Amen.....
Damn your claims that right is wrong, and darkness light!
Satans luge, ihre weltanschauung...Gott wird nicht vergessen.....

© Thomas Mallory Evans. All rights reserved.