Du verspotten Gott...du verspotten Seine kinder...Gott wird nicht vergessen...
Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil,
That put darkness for light and light for darkness - Amen.....
Honesty your enemy - your disdain is obvious -
Bent on redefining truth - worthy never, then, of trust -
Conscience you aspire to flee, fomenting deceit headlong,
Boasting moral anarchy - no such thing as right or wrong –
Blaspheme you all noble traits noble hearts ever admired -
Pestilence which waxes great ‘til its victim host expires -
Honesty your enemy - your disdain is obvious -
Bent on redefining truth - worthy only of disgust -
Upside-down - darkness light - evil good in evil’s sight -
Righteousness looks not away - absolute its judgment, still -
History will have its say - wisdom speaks, as wisdom will - Amen.....
Du verspotten Gott...du verspotten Seine kinder...Gott wird nicht vergessen...
Fear will come as desolation, your destruction like a whirlwind -
Misery and anguish will engulf you - Amen.....
Eat that fruit of your own making - be filled with your own devices -
Such is prosperity in the eyes of fools - Amen.....
Damn your claims that right is wrong, and darkness light!
Satans luge, ihre weltanschauung...Gott wird nicht vergessen.....