Sleeping Giant
History notes that back nigh eighty years,
Eden awoke to unforeshadowed fear -
Her denizens, guarded by sea, stood aghast -
Their harbor and navy lay waste by attack -
But even before smoke or giddiness fade,
A leader of those who have summoned the raid
Ponders its wisdom - peers laud its success -
So horrid a grievance bears horrid redress -
He voices his fear they’ve “awakened a Sleeping Giant,
And filled him with a terrible resolve” -
Woe to the power that wakened the Sleeping Giant,
By whose will and genius the Rising Sun would fall -
Now, on the threshold of a startling new age,
The world sees the fruit of maniacal rage
Which cloaks but raw hatred in the raiments of God,
And blind in its bloodlust, advances its new jihad -
History will note this new infamous day,
His prosperous calm for a moment dismayed,
The Giant did stir with an urgency rare -
Even Eden’s demise, in sheer numbers, could hardly compare -
But “We, the People,” a heretofore Sleeping Giant,
Do solemnly swear to live our days not in fear,
And woe to the evil that wakens the Sleeping Giant,
As full, and surely full righteous, reprisal draws near.....