Raison d'être
So much of my time seems consumed by my ills,
As if my once-light heart forgot how to feel
The quieting joy of life’s simple, best things -
I struggle to speak what my heart bids me sing.
Take spirit’s flight, now, and set it to rhyme -
Capture life, somehow - indeed capture time -
Or at the least, cast in legible form
These constants and variables which keep me so torn -
A labor of love, it requires no defense -
A labor of love, time and effort well-spent -
Waste me not life fearful, doubtful, forlorn -
Employing these gifts to which God had me born -
Write and sing - sing and play -
Thankful He led me to this place today.....
A labor of love, it requires no defense -
A labor of love, time and effort well-spent -
Waste me not life doubtful, fearful, forlorn -
Thankful for these gifts to which I was born -
Sing and play - play and write -
Thankful to be here with all of you tonight.....